The AI that we are seeing has limitless potential. Figma AI plugins are covering repetitious activities as designer responsibilities develop. Let’s have a look at some changes you may make to your process. 

Figma AI’s objective is to take care of little repetitious elements such as rounded edges for cards, rather than concentrating on them. We can spend more time building smarter interfaces and even better user experiences with fewer clicks this way. 

With all of this in mind, Figma is preparing for the future by releasing some prototypes for platform upgrades that use AI.

We’ll look over each one to see what potential they have.


  1. AI Organizer Figma

 Don’t you just love how post-it notes help bring ideas to the surface while brainstorming? The difficulty arises when it comes to analyzing and arranging those thoughts into a logical or practical list. Figma AI, on the other hand, will accomplish it in seconds. 

Simply pick all of your sticky notes, press the button with a glittering (magic?) vector symbol, and all of your data will be sorted and classified in an orderly manner.

This might be useful as good documentation after a brainstorming session in order to follow up on the next creative meeting. 

  1. Figma AI Design Suggestions

With a short textual prompt, this plugin will produce design suggestions. Assume you’re creating the UI for a music app and want to include a section with album covers and names. Simply type “Albums” and wait for the magic to unfold underneath that prompt.

It will use the fonts and styles you have put up for your design system to find photos that fit the appearance and feel of your design. 

Each question has many design alternatives. You may browse through many options for responding to your prompt.

  1. Use Figma AI To Generate Production-Ready Code 

Dear developers, your requests have been answered. You may feel forgotten, yet UX/UI designers like me have a unique place in our hearts and thoughts.

Figma now has an official plugin for Visual Studio coding, Microsoft’s open-source coding editor. Developers will be able to use this tool to choose a design element and have it magically transformed into code. 

  1. Figma AI Design Assistant Genius Chat 

When working on a UI design, we must consider many factors at the same time. Imagine being able to concentrate on developing your ideas and putting out your drawing wireframes in Figma while a virtual assistant assists you with repetitive (and sometimes tedious) activities like labeling buttons, resizing boxes, and searching for icons. Genius Chat is being created with this goal in mind. 

Genius Chat is a “AI design companion” that will appear on your screen as a real-time collaborator while you develop. 

The prototype depicts a virtual assistant that is prepared to answer all of your queries. For example, if you don’t know how to accomplish anything in Figma, instead of Googling a tutorial, you can just ask Genius to provide you with the necessary instructions.

Do you want a taste of this enchantment? You may now begin exploring with Magician, one of the AI tools for Figma that is already accessible. 

Consider how much time this may save you. What are you going to do with all of your free time? Maybe take your dog for a walk, like you promise every day.